Why Precision Play?
Because we are Engineers, Machinists and Teachers, but gamers FIRST. If strong play mechanics make for good games, then the leverage of mechanics makes for good gaming accessories. So Precision Play was born to bring you the very best gaming products that analytical design can devise.
Using modern design capabilities coupled with cutting edge techniques and old world craftsmanship we designed "The Signature Series" dice to provide the fairest roll possible.
CAD balanced to within .005 grams between weighting faces and with an elevated center of mass, the angular velocity of each dice operates like a 3rd class lever at the fulcrum of the table propelling itself forward.
But how can Metal Dice roll so well?
With our special suspended core on post and outer ring design we are able to achieve dice weights only slightly double that of a standard resin or plastic dice. No table smashers here. The following weights are true reflections of minimalist design perfection.
D4 - 6.45 grams
D6 - 6.09 grams
D8 - 9.58 grams
D10 - 12.08 grams
D% - 12.16 grams
D12 - 11.44 grams
D20 - 13.14 grams
Total Set Weight - 70.94 grams (2.50 oz.)
What about other dice?
Occlusions, Inclusions, Air Bubbles, Improper Weighing, barely Melted material and simply THUNK!
These are the realm of other Resin and metal dice. But with the "Signature Series" Dice at your finger tips you can rest assured of proper construction, ceaseless quality control and a design that puts the dice action back in your action and adventure.
But there's more.
We're more than just dice. In the coming weeks, months and years, Precision Play promises to bring you more innovative and aesthetic designs. More top quality options for storage, play and performance.
We believe in setting trends, not following them, that better rolls make better stories and that it's time for a new tier in gaming accessories.
We believe it's time to Take your Class to the next Level with Precision Play.